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The SYB Blog

phone in bra isn't good

Can You Get Cancer by Keeping Phone in Your Bra? Your Questions Answered

If you’re someone who frequently tucks your phone into your bra, you’ve likely wondered about this critical question: Can you get cancer by keeping your

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The Best Books About EMF Health Effects: A Comprehensive Guide

In our modern world, we are surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by various devices and technologies. The potential health effects of these EMFs have

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EMF bone

EMF & Bone Health: What Research Says

In the past decade or so, we’ve seen massive growth in the number of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in our environment. And we wouldn’t necessarily want

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EMF Research

The Business of EMF Science: Part 7 (3) – EMF Science Research Timeline: What We Know So Far

In the last post of the EMF Science Research Timeline, we saw how EMF continued dominating our environment as we entered a new era. And

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emf science research

The Business of EMF Science: Part 7(2) – EMF Science Research Timeline: What We Know So Far

In the last post, we read about the spread of human-made EMF around the globe and what happened when people started noticing its ill effects.

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The Business of EMF Science: Part 5 – Doubt is Our Product – Complete Strategies Used by the Tobacco Industry

“According to reported nationwide surveys, more doctors smoke CAMELS than any other cigarette.” “No throat irritation, no cough. Lucky Strikes, it’s toasted.” “Marlboro, the man-sized

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EMF misconceptions

Debunking EMF Misconceptions: The Six Most Common Ones

There are thousands of research studies available demonstrating EMF’s biological effects. But many people are either unaware of them, don’t believe in those findings, or

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The Business of EMF Science: Part 4 – First Comes Signs, Then Comes Science: The Tobacco Story

Nowadays, tobacco is restricted or banned in many countries. But it wasn’t always like that. There was a time when even doctors recommended smoking for

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Where do you carry your phone?

Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?

Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?

Good! Learn the one small change you should make right now.