We get a lot of questions about how to shield things like breakers panels and utility meters. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the EMFs these items emit, so this article is intended to clear up the confusion.
Before we dig in, let’s first take a moment to refresh ourselves on the four different types of fields and how each one is different.
The Four Types of EMF
Here are the four types of EMFs that you commonly find in your surroundings.
Radio Frequency
First, there is Radio FrequencyRadio Frequency (or RF), a subset of EMF, encompasses electromagnetic wave frequencies ranging from about 3 kilohertz (kHz) to 300 gigahertz (GHz). These frequencies are extensively used in modern wireless... (RF). RF comes from wireless communication devices. If it communicates and sends information through the air, without a wire, it is using RF. This includes things like cell phones, cell towers, radios, smart appliances, smartwatches, BluetoothFrom the perspective of someone concerned about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation, understanding Bluetooth radiation is crucial, especially in our increasingly wireless world. Bluetooth technology, ubiquitous in our daily..., baby monitors, etc.
RF can be shielded easily with different materials (metal screen, metal plates, carbon or metal-based paint, metallic fabrics, etc.).
Electric Fields
The second fieldIn the context of electromagnetic fields (EMF), the term "field" refers to a region in space where electric and magnetic forces are exerted. An electromagnetic field is generated by electrically... is electric fieldsDefinition and Nature of Electric Fields Electric fields are a fundamental aspect of electromagnetic fields, created by electric charges, either stationary or moving. These fields represent the force that electric.... The fact that we run electricity through the walls creates electric fields. These wires carry electrons back and forth. The electrons do not stay inside the wires, but emanate out about 6-8 feet from the wall. Electric fields can be shielded with the same items as RF fields, but must be grounded to earth to dissipate those fields.

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Dirty Electricity
The third field we want to discuss is dirty electricityDirty Electricity, also known as electrical pollution, refers to the presence of irregularities or distortions in the normal electrical current within a wiring system. These distortions, which deviate from the... (DE) otherwise known as ‘microsurge electrical pollution’, ‘noise’, ‘interference’ ‘hash’, ‘electromagnetic interference’, or other terms. This happens when there are distortions on your 50 or 60 Hz sine waveThe term "wave" in the context of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), frequency, and energy is a fundamental concept in physics and essential in understanding various natural phenomena and technological applications. A....
The items that cause the most DE are LED lightbulbs, solar inverters, pool pumps, computer chargers, energy-saving appliances, Plasma TVs, and other items we plug into our home. DE can be shielded to some degree with metal clad wiring, or can be filtered to smooth out the sine wave.
Magnetic Fields
Finally, we need to discuss the fourth field, which is magnetic fieldsDefinition and Nature of Magnetic Fields Magnetic fields are a fundamental aspect of electromagnetic fields, produced by moving electric charges (electric currents). The strength of a magnetic field is measured.... Magnetic fields cannot happen in the absence of electric fields. Electricity must be present, and current must be flowing for magnetic fields to be present. They most commonly happen from power"Power" in a scientific context refers to the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. In simpler terms, it's how fast something is using energy. For example,... lines (overhead or buried), point sources like appliances and motors, and from wiring errors found in many homes.
Magnetic fields, unlike the first three fields, are not easily shielded. Magnetic fields are challenging because they can bend and wrap around surfaces making them very difficult to mitigate.
Understanding the differences in all of these fields is not intuitive. It can take many years of study to grasp the general concepts. But here’s what you need to know: It’s the magnetic fields that most people are concerned about when they’re worrying about their breaker panel – though they might not realize it.
So, What About Breaker Panels?
Breaker panels don’t emit radio frequency"Frequency" in the context of electricity, Electromagnetic Fields (EMF), and wireless communication, can be thought of as the number of times something happens in a second. Specifically, it refers to.... They will have an electric field and DE, but it is mostly localized to the area. Magnetic fields, however, do emit from these panels, often in very high amounts.
But here is what is important to know: These fields drop off with distance at a rapid pace – usually within 1-2 feet. When doing a full home EMF assessment, I don’t usually measure the breaker panel at all. This is because more often than not, the breaker panel is in the garage, outside the home, or in a utility room far from any living spaces. If the fields drop off within 1 or 2 feet, then it’s not a problem.
I often get objections to this. “But it’s in my bedroom!”, a worried client will tell me. And then I’ll ask how close the bed is to the panel. If it’s at least three feet away, I’m generally not concerned. (Though testing it is still always a good idea in this case.)
Testing and Mitigating Magnetic Fields
Now, if the panel (or any other point source of magnetic fields) is close to anywhere you sit, stand or sleep for any length of time, then you do want to test it and make sure you’re not getting exposed. The most accurate yet affordable meter for testing magnetic fields is this one.
Building Biology guidelines suggest this number be under .2 mG for healthy people. Sensitive people sometimes react to even this small amount. The places you want to measure aren’t necessarily right in front of the panel, but on the spaces where you spend time. What is the measurement on your bed, couch, kitchen counter, or anywhere you sit, stand or sleep? That’s what’s important.
Let’s say the panel is near your bed and you’re getting an elevated reading at your pillow. The first thing I would suggest is to move the bed to another wall. If that’s not possible, then see if you can at least move the bed away from the panel by at least two feet or more. Most of the time this can be accomplished. If not, I would suggest not using this room for sleeping.
What About Shielding?
At this point, most people want to know about shielding the panel. Can’t you just throw some foil over there and cut down the fields?
No. You cannot. Remember, magnetic fields don’t work that way. If it were RF or Electric fields, it might work, but not with magnetic fields.
Now, there are materials made to shield magnetic fields, like MuMetal and Giron, but they do not completely eliminate the fields. Rather, they may provide a small reduction. If you try and shield these fields, you have to be prepared to 1. Spend a lot of money, and 2. Accept only a small reduction. For most people, it’s not worth it.
The better thing to do is keep your distance from these point sources. Remember, this is not only applicable to breaker panels, but it also applies to appliances, utility meters, and other devices with motors that draw current.
Other Sources of Magentic Fields
It’s worth reiterating that magnetic fields can come from other sources like power lines and wiring errors. The only way to know if those are a problem for you is to test with a gaussmeterA gaussmeter, also known as a magnetometer, is an instrument designed to measure and display the strength and direction of magnetic fields. This tool is named after the German mathematician.... It is important to know.
If the power lines are creating a problem in your neighborhood, there is very little you can do about that. Occasionally you can get the power company to fix a problem if there is a clear issue with the distribution lines, but more often than not, they’re not interested in being involved.
That means that magnetic fields from power lines are an issue that must be tested so you know what you’re dealing with. If you’re uncertain how to test, or aren’t clear on how to read the meter, I would definitely suggest consulting with a professional.
If you have wiring errors in your home, they can be fixed. The only way you’ll know you have a wiring error is by testing. Generally, an error like this happens when an electrician joins two neutrals from different circuits, there is a neutral-to-ground connection, a loose neutral, or similar problem. That can be traced with a gaussThe "gauss" is a unit of measurement used to quantify the strength of a magnetic field. Named after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss, it helps in understanding... meter, and fixed by an electrician.
These problems do get quite technical and confusing. Remember that if you want professional help, you can always book a consultation with me here. If this is all just too confusing, or you need help on exactly how you should be testing, I am more than happy to assist.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is this: distance is your friend.
If you’re worried about something in your home that you can’t control, like a utility meter, appliance, or breaker panel, keep your distance. No need to make it more complicated than that.
For the other fields we’ve discussed, getting a good meter and testing is a great idea. We have a great guide on how to test at home here (it’s free to download).
Alternatively, Consulting Could Help
Alternately, you can also hire a building biologist or a qualified EMF expert to help you figure out everything going on in your home.
In fact, you can schedule a virtual EMF consulting session with a certified building biologist and an EMF expert right from the SYB website.
SYB EMF consulting provides you with personal, direct, one-on-one time with an expert from the comfort of your own home. And you can get in-depth answers to your specific questions like:
- How to use an EMF meter
- How to reduce your EMF exposure inside your home
- What shielding products or strategies fit your EMF situation
- What can you do while you’re outside your home to ensure that your EMF exposure remains low
- And an in-depth explanation of the four types of fields
These are a few of the many questions you can ask your consultant during your session to ensure you get to enjoy modern technology without being subjected to the health risks that tag along.
To schedule a session, visit the EMF Consulting Services page on the SYB website, select the professional of your choice, choose a time of your convenience, and hit “Book Now”.
After completing the payment process, you’ll receive a confirmation email and a link to your consulting session.