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EMF & Animals: Are They Just as Sensitive to Electromagnetic Fields as We Are?

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We see that most animals have amazing adaptations that help them live in even the most hostile environments. But do you know that even these sturdy creatures suffer the adverse effects of EMF exposure?

Research studies show that wild and even domesticated animals can develop severe health problems from prolonged exposure to EMF radiation. And the constant development in EMF technology and the addition of more powerful EMF sources aren’t helping at all.

In this post, we’ll look at the effects of EMF on wild, domesticated, and marine animals. And more importantly, what YOU can do about it.

So, let’s begin.

The Two Types of EMFs

As you may already know, our wireless gadgets, electrical appliances, in-house wiring, power lines, network towers, and similar structures emit EMF (electromagnetic fields). But did you know that EMF was present on earth long before any of these were invented?

This comes from natural EMF sources, which have been around for billions of years. Can you guess what these sources are?

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If you said the sun, you’d be correct. The sun is the biggest source of our daily exposure to natural EMFs. Then follows lightning strikes, and then our earth itself. That’s right, the earth is also one giant EMF source.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

So, what’s the difference between EMFs from natural sources and the EMF from our devices and appliances?

The difference is how they affect humans, flora, and fauna.

Natural EMFs aren’t nearly as harmful as human-made EMFs. In fact, some natural EMFs are even beneficial for our health. Just think of the sun. Yes, you need some precautions for your skin, but otherwise, it’s what allows everything on our planet to flourish.

So, the question arises. Why is one type of EMF beneficial and another harmful?

To answer this question, we’ll have to look through how humans, flora, and fauna evolved on earth.

Evolution Vs. Human-Made EMF

Natural EMF radiation has been on earth since the beginning of time. This means everything on earth has evolved with it. So, evolution designed us, animals, and plants to benefit from it.

Human-made EMFs, on the other hand, started appearing in the last two centuries. And even though that’s a long time for us, it’s a mere blink in evolution time.

Maybe in another million years, humans, flora, and fauna may evolve to benefit from human-made EMFs, but right now, it’s certainly not the case.

This causes all life on earth to suffer from the ever-growing EMF pollution in our environment. We’ve already written comprehensive posts on how EMF affects birds, bees, and plants. And we have many posts on the effects of EMF on humans. You can find all of them on our EMF Health Effects page.

In the same way, this post will give you an in-depth look at how EMF affects animals in our environment. So, let’s get to it.

EMF’s Effects on Cattle

In 1998, a farmer visited the veterinary faculty of the University of Hanover with a very unusual problem. He said that his cows had been behaving abnormally ever since the installation of several network towers close to his farm.

cell phone towers cows
Researchers found that stray voltage contributed to numerous negative effects in dairy cows.

And it wasn’t just cows. He also mentioned that, since the installation, he and his family were also experiencing health problems. They went to several hospitals but didn’t receive treatment, as no doctor could identify precisely why they were experiencing those symptoms.

The researchers at Hanover University decided to pick up the farmer’s case and conduct a proper study to see what was going on.

The Research

A team of researchers went to the farm and conducted several experiments. As soon as they reached the farm, here’s what they saw.

  • Most cows were tearing heavily, and their cheeks were constantly wet, showing signs of chronic conjunctivitis and constant itching. Because of that, some cows were rubbing their eye areas continuously against any items in the stable within their reach. 
  • Many cows were also pushing their heads against the chests of other cows. Besides that, the animals in the stable were turning their heads away from the direction where the transmitters were located as if they were hurting them.
  • Mother cows showed signs of extreme weakness, as they kept falling on the stable floor and couldn’t stand up.
  • The researchers then took the cows to feed in an open area, and as soon as they reached it, the cows hid behind an outbuilding away from the transmitting tower.

This called for a more complex analysis. So, the researchers began performing fodder analysis and feeding calculations. They also did an autopsy on deceased cows, revealing many things. After doing some more research, they had concrete evidence to conclude that the abnormal behavior in cows resulted from constant and heavy EMF exposure from the towers.

The researchers concluded the paper by saying, “The health disorders and behavioral abnormalities described in this paper as well as the results of the conducted examination, point to the electromagnetic tension as the cause of the occurrences in the affected herd of dairy cows.”

Ground Currents and Farm Animals

The study I mentioned above only considers the impact of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. But they’re not the only thing harming farm animals. There’s another EMF source called ground current which is equally present and harmful.

Since your devices and appliances don’t use all the electricity coming through the cables, the remaining energy returns through a neutral wire.

Our electricity distribution systems, especially in rural regions, aren’t equipped to handle all the returning electricity. Because of this, utility companies just dump the excess electricity on the ground.

This is a problem because the dumped electricity doesn’t just vanish away. As soon as it reaches the soil, it spreads through the conductive earth. This free-flowing electricity on the ground is called ground current pollution.

Researchers have found that, besides radiofrequency EMF from nearby network towers, ground current pollution also causes many health problems in dairy cows. You can learn all about it in my post, “Ground Current Pollution.”

EMF & Pets

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been extensive research on EMF’s effects on domestic animals, such as cats and dogs. But a study on ground currents did find an impact on these (very lovable) animals. 

The 1995 study involved a kennel in Allegan County, MI. This kennel had a population of Shetland Sheepdogs, Persian cats, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers. And while they had a 12-year history of successfully producing pups, this population suddenly began demonstrating significant reproductive problems.

“Female dogs ceased cycling or had abnormal “unbreedable” seasons. Sperm checks revealed a lack of sperm in four males. Concurrently, neither the Persian nor mongrel female cats in the kennel showed signs of cycling.”

After multiple investigations, it remained unclear what the cause was of these issues. Then investigators contacted two local dairy farms, where cows were experiencing similar problems. They later determined that the reason was stray voltage on the ground.

Besides ground current, another study from 1995 found that an increase in the magnetic field levels in homes increased the risk of canine lymphoma, a type of blood cancer found in dogs.

Effects of EMF on Marine Life

We often exclude marine animals when talking about EMF’s effects. And it kind of makes sense, as they live far away, deep inside the oceans, unconnected to our network sources. But the fact is EMF affects marine animals as much as it affects the animals on land. Here’s why.

magnetoreception in marine life
Sea turtles are among the marine species that have magnetoreception.

It turns out that many species of marine life use magnetoreception, which is the ability to sense electrical signals to navigate and locate their prey. And since most worldwide data transmission happens via undersea cables, the electromagnetic fields coming from the ocean floor affect their sensing abilities.

Studies Show

EMF’s biological effects on animals are severe. And the constant modernization of our technology isn’t helping at all. We need to realize that, without animals on earth to do their part, human existence would either become extremely hard or maybe even impossible.

But what is the point of knowing all of this if there isn’t even anything that you can do about it? A lot of this is out of our control. So, why even bother?

And if you’re thinking this, let me share some good news. There is, in fact, something you can do to mitigate the effects of EMF pollution on animals in our environment. Have a look.

Can You Do Anything?

EMF’s biological effects on animals are severe. And the constant modernization of our technology isn’t helping at all. We need to realize that, without animals on earth to do their part, human existence would either become extremely hard or maybe even impossible.

But what is the point of knowing all of this if there isn’t even anything that you can do about it? A lot of this is out of our control. So, why even bother?

And if you’re thinking this, let me share some good news. There is, in fact, something you can do to mitigate the effects of EMF pollution on animals in our environment. Have a look.

EMF Advocacy

Education is key to tackling any problem. The more you know about it, the faster you can find a solution. So, the first step to helping reduce EMF’s effects on the animals in our environment is to educate yourself on the subject.

I have a ton of resources on my website to help you learn more about EMF, its biological effects, and possible solutions. So, give them a read.

The second step to making a change is to have more people thinking about this.

I have a separate page that contains tips on talking to people about this subject in a way that can actually convince them to make some changes in their lives.

The more people are aware of this issue, the easier it will be to find ways to live healthier lives alongside technology. Though it will take some time, let’s all make a choice to be a part of the solution.

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Want to Slash Your EMF Health Risks?

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About the Author

R Blank is the CEO of Shield Your Body, which he founded in 2012. With hundreds of thousands of customers in over 30 countries, and having been interviewed on platforms including Dr. Phil, ABC news television and ElectricSense, R is an internationally followed expert on issues of EMF, health and safety. He also hosts “The Healthier Tech Podcast”, available Apple, Spotify and all major podcasting platforms. In the past, he served on the faculty at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering as well as the University of California, Santa Cruz. Previously, R ran a software engineering firm in Los Angeles, producing enterprise-level solutions for blue chip clients including Medtronic, Apple, NBC, Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, the NFL, Ford, IKEA and Mattel. He has spoken at conferences around the world, including in the US, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and he is the co-author, along with his father Dr. Martin Blank, of ‘Overpowered‘ from Seven Stories Press about the science of health effects of EMF radiation. He has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and received his bachelor’s degree, with honors, from Columbia University. He has also studied at Cambridge University in the UK; the University of Salamanca in Spain; and the Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Read more about R and SYB or connect with R on LinkedIn.

Have a Question?

I take pride in designing great, effective products, based on real, measurable science – AND taking the time to ensure that each and every one of you has the information you need to understand EMF and make informed decisions.

So if you have a question, just email me and ask.

R Blank

R Blank